cherry blossom branch

Supportive Measures

Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services, accommodations, and other assistance that the university may put in place for Complainants, Respondents, and occasionally third parties without fee or charge. Supportive measures are designed to restore or preserve access to the university’s education programs and activities and protect the safety of all parties and the university’s educational environment while not being punitive in nature or unreasonably burdening any party. 

Supportive measures are available with or without pursuing a resolution option. 

Some examples may include:

  • Facilitating access to counseling and medical services;
  • Guidance in obtaining a sexual assault forensic examination;
  • Academic support;
    • Assistance in arranging rescheduling of exams and assignments and extensions of deadlines;
    • Change in class schedule, including the ability to transfer course sections or withdraw from a course;
  • Assistance in requesting long-term academic accommodations through Disability Support Services (DSS) if the individual qualifies as an individual with a disability;
  • Changes to university work schedules and/or job assignments;
  • Mutual No Contact Order

Additional examples are listed in the Title IX Sexual Harassment and Related Conduct Policy, however, the Title IX Office will work with individuals to determine what type of supportive measures meet their needs. 

Mutual No Contact Orders (MNCOs) are a type of supportive measure available through the Title IX Office and the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities (SRR). Campus Living and Residential Engagement (CLRE) can also issue these orders.

MNCOs are designed to curtail contact and communication between two or more individuals for a variety of reasons, including an effort to maintain, for all involved, access to educational programs and activities and an environment free from harassment.  

Mutual No Contact Orders:

  • Are issued mutually between two or more individuals (meaning all individuals involved will receive the same instruction not to communicate with each other);
  • Direct individual(s) to have no communication, in person, by phone, letter, email, text message, through social media, or by other means with each other;
  • Are not a punitive or disciplinary action;
  • Do not indicate a finding of wrongdoing or responsibility for a violation of a university policy; 
  • Do not become part of an individual’s conduct records at the University or, by itself, initiate a disciplinary process; and
  • Are not reported to third parties as disciplinary action (for example, when an employer or a graduate program requests information on a student’s academic or conduct record).

Frequently Asked Questions about Mutual No Contact Orders

How do I obtain a Mutual No Contact Order?

MNCOs may be issued at the request of one or more individuals or a designated university office may issue an order on its own. If you would like to request an order or discuss your eligibility for an order, please email at [email protected] or [email protected].  

What does "Mutual" mean? 

A mutual no contact order means that both individuals have received the same directive not to communicate with one another. Mutual does not mean that the individuals involved have agreed that the university should issue the order. 

I am the one who asked for the no-contact order. Why does the no contact order need to be mutual? 

We understand that especially for people who request the no-contact order, they may want the no contact order to only be directed at the other person. For a no-contact order to be one-directional, a person would have to have been found to have violated policy and be sanctioned accordingly. We understand that many people seeking no contact orders want them implemented more immediately, and making the no-contact order mutual allows us to implement it without waiting for a full and final case determination. 

Does a MNCO prevent students from taking classes together or participating in student activities or sports teams?

No. An MNCO prevents communication between individuals but does not restrict access to classes or university programs or activities. If you have an MNCO, you may still be in the same class, student organization, or other university related activity with the other individual. Similarly, there is no distance requirement to the no contact order; rather it focuses on communication. If you must communicate with someone in the context of a class or activity, this may not be considered a violation of the MNCO as long as the communication is directly related to that activity. We would encourage you to reach out to discuss any questions or concerns you have regarding potential interaction with the other party. 

Who outside of the university will know when a MNCO is issued?

A MNCO will not be reported as disciplinary action to third parties. This means that if a third party, such as an employer or another university, were to reach out regarding an individual’s disciplinary conduct record, a MNCO would not be disclosed.

What individuals or departments within the university are notified when a MNCO is issued?

The individuals named in the order will be notified simultaneously when a no contact order is issued. Additionally, MNCOs are also automatically shared with GWPD, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and the Office of Advocacy and Support. Other university offices may also be notified on a need-to-know basis.

What if I only want a MNCO, but I do not want to do an investigation, or any other conduct process? 

A no contact order is considered a supportive measure, and one would not have to engage in a Title IX investigation or any other conduct process in order to obtain one.

Is it possible to remove a MNCO? 

Please contact the Title IX Office or Student Rights and Responsibilities to discuss options to remove a MCNO.

What should I do if someone violates a no contact order?

In the event that a violation of an MNCO occurs and you are experiencing an immediate safety concern, you should contact GWPD at 202-994-6111 or local emergency services. Violations of a MNCO should also be reported to the Title IX Office or Student Rights and Responsibilities and may result in conduct charges being brought by the university.

Can I review a MNCO template?

Here is a template copy of a MNCO issued by the Title IX Office and the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

Title IX staff members are available to assist students in navigating difficulties with class requirements when they are involved in a Title IX related situation.

When a student meets with the Title IX Office and requests academic support, the Title IX Office will conduct an individualized assessment to determine the reasonableness of that request and provide appropriate follow-up. The Title IX Office will continuously work with both the student and the faculty member to assess academic support requests to determine if a request is reasonable based on the unique facts and circumstances of each situation. The goal is to provide supportive measures that will help restore or preserve access to the university’s education programs and activities, while identifying what is feasible given the particular course structure and requirements. 
To learn more about academic support that can be provided, please schedule a meeting with a member of the Title IX Office to discuss your individual needs. 

If you have been affected by sexual harassment, including sexual assault, domestic or dating violence, or stalking, you might be concerned about ongoing safety.

A safety plan is a personalized action plan for ways to stay safe emotionally and physically when you are dealing with an unsafe situation. Safety planning involves considering how to:

  • cope with emotions
  • talk to friends and family about what's happening
  • enlist help
  • ensure your own basic needs are met
  • go about your daily activities in the safest way possible

Get Help Making a Safety Plan

One of the most important things you can do is to talk to someone. You don’t have to face abuse and recovery alone.

Contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Office of Advocacy and Support for help with safety planning.

Safety Planning Resources

Many local and national organizations offer online tools to help think about safety planning. 

Online Safety

Sometimes you might be concerned about who can see your search history or how what you do online is visible to others.

See RAINN’s computer safety instructions for steps to clear your history, make sure your privacy settings are up to date, and to have a safer online presence.